END OF SEASON BLOWOUT / Jan 17th - 20th
Sidewalk Sale
It's the South Park, San Diego Annual Sidewalk Sale. Enjoy the best sale ever while we clear things out to make room for Spring goods! Deals on holiday, apparel and gift.
Our South Park shop is located at 2220 Fern St., San Diego Ca 92104
FRIDAY, FEB 7TH / 4 to 7pm
La Jolla's Art Walk
Enjoy La Jolla's Monthly art walk where we serve champagne sips and snacks while featuring local artists and jewelry designers.
This month we will feature the jewelry designer, Julie Alexandria of Julie's Gold Coins and the artist Flora and the Sun. Shop from one of La Jolla's most exclusive jewelry designers featuring one-of-a-kind statement pieces. Plus, get crafty with Flora and the Sun as you can shop her artwork or make your own pressed flower Valentine's Day card!
Our La Jolla store is located on the corner of La Plaza La Jolla - 7863 Girard Ave. Suite 101, La Jolla Ca 92037.